Saturday, September 29, 2012

Learning Log #3

This is what I learned this week.  I did a Les Miserables Play.  Um, and we wrote in our notebooks in Draper Wetland Park.  And we learned about nature, and we learned directions, and we learned hap ki do, and we made our own map.  We went to park day.  And today I made a game box.  We got to use our new computers for the first time today.    I really really like my computer.  And its really cool because its a virtual machine, and its virtual, it can go to any computer and it does not have to be to one specific computer.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Learning Log 2#

Last week I learned aboat pronouns on discovery streaming. and i learned about the game "still the bacon" in karate. i also went on a nature walk at wetland park. and i got to watch Tumbelia in her gymnastics. I did some grammer on this paper with a picture of ice cream on it. i also learned some songs in les miserables i practiced the baracade scene. and we got a new computer.
 ok bye.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Week of Mytech - Learning Log

This week I learned on a Tim and Moby Video that Shark attacks are less likely then drowning in your bathtub.  And I learned about Black Holes.  And I learned about Cleopatra.  And the Cleopatra video was one of the funniest ones.  I learned about cats and birds.  And no matter what temperature the air is around the birds, the temperature inside the bird stays the same.  And cats don't really have nine lives, they just say that because they can jump off high places without getting hurt.  And cats don't always land on their feet.  And we watched a Tim and Moby video about Dinosaurs.  And that' pretty much all I remember.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Intro for My Tech High

Hi my name is Curious I am 7 and I like ninjas because ninjas are fun especially when you have a toy dragon that comes with them.  And I also like crawfish, but not as food, as a pet, because we catch crawfish all the time.  And this one time we were making a little village in our back yard called friend ville, and we caught a baby crawfish and we called him speedy because he was really fast.  And I like Incredable Hulk, and I like Captain America, and I also like Thor.  Oh, and I am LDS.  And I like bananas.  And I have three sisters and one brother.  And I like making comic books.  And there is this one comic book that I am writing that is about Super Swet and he is dressed in yellow and purple.  And his side kick is called Super Guy.  And I got stung by a yellow jacket, it really hurt.  And my favorite website is Armor Games.  My second favorite is  And I like pillow pets because I have this one pillow pet that is called fuzzy wuzzy and he is kind of cute, he is my bear.  Here is a picture of me acting  Enjolras in Les Mis.

Here is Curious's old intro.

Curious George

My name is Curious George. But I like to play allot and win the race. And I like to play Ring Around The Rosies. And what do I like to play next? I know I like to play KidZui. I am tree years old, but I like to play allot. I have fun, just real quick. so.... I win the race allot, and I won the race just now, all done.