Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Act Like A Computer

  1. Tell us a few things about the experience. How many instructions did you have to give? What was the hardest thing to command the partner to do? Did the partner end up doing anything funny or unexpected? 

I told my partner to pick up the cast iron skillet, which was on the stove.  And then she just picked it up for a second and then dropped it.  And then I told her to pick it up and keep it in her hand.  And then I told her to turn around, and then she kept on turning around over and over and over again, and she did not stop. So I waited until she faced the counter and then I said stop.  And then I said put the cast iron skillet on the counter in front of you.  And then she reached out and to put the cast iron skillet on the top but she could not reach the counter without moving so it fell on the floor.  Then I said nevermind about that and then I told her to turn around until she was facing the bar stool that was in the middle of the room, and then I said stop.  And the bar stool had a can opener on it, so I told her to pick up the can opener.  And then I took a can of green beans out of the cupboard and I put it on the bar stool. I then told her "open up the can".  Then she dropped the can opener and she was trying to pry the can open with her hands, grrrrr.   Then I told her to open it up with the can opener, and then she put the can opener on top and then she started yanking  on the can opener, and scraping it on the top, and banging it on the top. And I said stop.  And then I told her put the can opener on the rim of the can, and then she put it on wrong. And then I was like never mind put the can opener down, and then she put it down. And conveniently the counter had some flour on it. And there was a pack of sponges next to the green beans.  And I told her to pick up one of the sponges out of the pack.  And then she picked it up and dropped it. So I told her to pick up one of the sponges out of the pack and keep it in your hand.  And then she did that.  Then I told her to run it under the water. And then she started holding the sponge out in front of her and she started running in place.    Then I told her to turn around and then she kept on turning around and she did not stop. And when she was facing the sink I told her stop. And then she stopped turning around. And then I told her to turn on the faucet. Then she turned on the faucet. And I told her put it under the faucet. And then she put it under the part where the water was not coming out.  Then I said put it under the water, and so she put it under the water that was coming out of the faucet.  And then I told her to pull it out. And then I told her to turn off the faucet. And then I told her to turn around and then she kept on turning around again, and I just waited until she was facing the counter and then I said stop.  And then I told her wipe the flour off of the counter.  And then she wiped it off with the sponge.  And then we were done. Oh, wait, no.  Then I told her to turn around and she kept on turning around. And then I just waited until she was facing the kitchen sink, and then I said stop.  And then I told her to turn on the faucet and then run the sponge under the water that was coming out of the faucet.  And then I told her to turn off the faucet.  And then I told her to drop the sponge in the sink. And she did exactly that.  And THAT is the end.

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