Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Act Like A Computer

  1. Tell us a few things about the experience. How many instructions did you have to give? What was the hardest thing to command the partner to do? Did the partner end up doing anything funny or unexpected? 

I told my partner to pick up the cast iron skillet, which was on the stove.  And then she just picked it up for a second and then dropped it.  And then I told her to pick it up and keep it in her hand.  And then I told her to turn around, and then she kept on turning around over and over and over again, and she did not stop. So I waited until she faced the counter and then I said stop.  And then I said put the cast iron skillet on the counter in front of you.  And then she reached out and to put the cast iron skillet on the top but she could not reach the counter without moving so it fell on the floor.  Then I said nevermind about that and then I told her to turn around until she was facing the bar stool that was in the middle of the room, and then I said stop.  And the bar stool had a can opener on it, so I told her to pick up the can opener.  And then I took a can of green beans out of the cupboard and I put it on the bar stool. I then told her "open up the can".  Then she dropped the can opener and she was trying to pry the can open with her hands, grrrrr.   Then I told her to open it up with the can opener, and then she put the can opener on top and then she started yanking  on the can opener, and scraping it on the top, and banging it on the top. And I said stop.  And then I told her put the can opener on the rim of the can, and then she put it on wrong. And then I was like never mind put the can opener down, and then she put it down. And conveniently the counter had some flour on it. And there was a pack of sponges next to the green beans.  And I told her to pick up one of the sponges out of the pack.  And then she picked it up and dropped it. So I told her to pick up one of the sponges out of the pack and keep it in your hand.  And then she did that.  Then I told her to run it under the water. And then she started holding the sponge out in front of her and she started running in place.    Then I told her to turn around and then she kept on turning around and she did not stop. And when she was facing the sink I told her stop. And then she stopped turning around. And then I told her to turn on the faucet. Then she turned on the faucet. And I told her put it under the faucet. And then she put it under the part where the water was not coming out.  Then I said put it under the water, and so she put it under the water that was coming out of the faucet.  And then I told her to pull it out. And then I told her to turn off the faucet. And then I told her to turn around and then she kept on turning around again, and I just waited until she was facing the counter and then I said stop.  And then I told her wipe the flour off of the counter.  And then she wiped it off with the sponge.  And then we were done. Oh, wait, no.  Then I told her to turn around and she kept on turning around. And then I just waited until she was facing the kitchen sink, and then I said stop.  And then I told her to turn on the faucet and then run the sponge under the water that was coming out of the faucet.  And then I told her to turn off the faucet.  And then I told her to drop the sponge in the sink. And she did exactly that.  And THAT is the end.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Learning Log #1 2013-2014 school year. September 4th - 7th

Math - My mom made me these math worksheets that have little squares, and there were numerals like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 and you had to fill in all the boxes next to the numbers and each number had like eight or nine boxes, possibly ten, I can't remember.  And so you would have to write nines in all the boxes that were next to the nines, and zeros in all the boxes that were zeros, and sevens in all the boxes that were next to the ones, and there was rows of boxes.

English - My mom also made me these handwriting worksheets and the first one was a thing that was like, cut the brownies and there were these little pans that had brownies in them, and so you drew lines on the worksheets to cut the brownies.   I read some Washingtons Rules of Civility and I read two of them, the first one and the second one, but I can't remember them.

History - We got these homeschool binders and put our names on them with stickers. And then we got some more word stickers and we put almanac in front of our notebooks.  And we are going to turn them all into almanacs.  We made these discovery journals, with my mom, she helped me allot actually.  And we cut up colored papers, like fancy papers, and we cut them into American Flags. And then we Modge Podged it onto the front of a sketch book.  And then when we were done we Modge Podged over the whole top.  And we went to a party at this one family house and they were the Schmidts. And they live on a farm and they have goats, chickens, a black pony, and a white and gray horse.  And we roasted hot dogs on a campfire in their back yard and we got to play in the rain. And it was allot of fun. And my friend Michael and I got to sneak around. And we scared a few people and they thought we were ghosts.  It was really fun.

Technology - one time Mama gave us this old broken down computer that was not working anymore and she said that we could do whatever we wanted with it. And so we got a screwdriver and we unscrewed every single screw that we saw on that thing. And we took it apart. And we took out all the microchips and we put them all together and we made a city.  Because microchips look like little cities. So we stuck all the microchips together and we called it micro city.  And it was the future in there and it was a city floating in the sky. Because the planet earth had toxic gases and it was not a good place to live anymore.  And there was a big bubble that could not be penetrated around micro city and nothing could go into the bubble so they were safe from the poisonous gases. And there was flying cars, and there was a flying car race track. And there are no oval shapes on microchips but there are rectangle shapes. So instead of having an Olympic oval we had an Olympic rectangle. And since it is futuristic that does not really matter.

P.E. - So last week at the homeschool park day I played with my friends and I played this game called the periodic table.  And it's when you are all elements and I was titanium. And then you got to have a weapon. And you got to choose what your weapon was made out of. And if it was a gun what bullets it would shoot. And I had a silver gun that shoots liquid nitrogen and freezes people. Like a freeze ray.  Any my friend Mia was gold.


Hello my name is Curious.  And I like cats, dogs, and horses.  I like Les Miserables, and the Hobbit.  And I especially like Indians and cross bows.  My favorite color is orange.  My favorite state in the United States is Wyoming. And I am a big fan of toy wooden guns.  And I want to be an architect when I grow up.  And my favorite sea creatures are sharks and dolphins.  And I like to make movies.  And that's all.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Learning log 30-31

P.E. - Hapkido,
English - Visit to the Library, Spelling Worksheets, Scripture Reading, Reading for Peak Program
Math - Review worksheets to prepare for tests
Tech Class  - Camera Apature, Rule of Thirds, Golden Hour
Entreprenuership - a special thank you, Worked on chore charts

Math - Worksheets
English - Spelling Worksheet, Walk to the Library
P.E. - Gymnastics show for C, Hapkido Awards for S and A.
Entreprenuership - Chore Charts
Literature - Sherlock Holmes Read Headed League
Social - Parkday, Hansens came and played.

Learning Log 29

P.E. - Hapkido, Hap Ki Do Yellow Belt TestTest
English - Visit to the Library, Spelling Worksheets
Literature - Personal Reading, Saw a Shakespeare play performed by a traveling group that does Educational shows for schools.
Math - Review worksheets to prepare for tests
Entrepreneurship - Reworked chore lists to earn more money.
Life Skills/ Math - Walked to a fast food restaurant and ordered food on their own, and paid with their own money.
Government - Toured the State Capitol Building

Learning Log 28

P.E. - Hapkido
English - Visit to the Library
Science - Clark Planetarium Visit, Butterflies in 3D movie
Spanish - 
Literature - Scripture Reading

Friday, March 29, 2013

P.E. - Hapkido, Hap Ki Do Yellow Belt Test
English - Visit to the Library, Spelling Worksheets
Literature - Personal Reading, Saw a Shakespeare play performed by a traveling group that does Educational shows for schools.
Math - Review worksheets to prepare for tests
Entrepreneurship - Reworked chore lists to earn more money.
Life Skills/ Math - Walked to a fast food restaurant and ordered food on their own, and paid with their own money.
Government - Toured the State Capitol Building                

this week we went and did a Hapkido yellow belt test for hugs and curious, uummm. . . . . and we became yellow belts, we past the test and became yellow belts

we did Spelling Worksheets and there was a work sheet with a shark that was called a basking shark,

we do reading on our core chart and reading charts that if we finish we can go to a water park, called seven peak's.

we went to a Shakespeare play called Romeo & Juliet they aren't as big of idiots as i thought, though they are still idiots,

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Learning Log #27 3/4 to 3/10

Spanish-Lesson 3 wase asome!!!. roho blanke y osol miens red wiete and blluo P.E. - hapkido . Entrepreneurship- lesson 2 on give. the end!!!
Spanish - Lesson 3
P.E. - Hapkido
Entrepreneurship - lesson 2 on Give

Monday, March 11, 2013

Learning Log 22

English - Practice Persuasive writing, Spelling
Math - Starfall math
Literature - Reading in Scriptures
Life Skills - Planned out chore charts for Dave Ramseys Money course

Learning Log 23

Literature - Daily Scripture Reading
Math - Starfall Math
Reading - Starfall Reading. Read a book to Littleton.
Life Skills - Discussion on the Plan of Salvation.  S put transmission fluid and windshield washer fluid in the car while I directed him.
Entrepreneurship - Money course on the battle of the Chores.  Started the lesson on Giving.
Spanish - Lesson 1 and 2
P.E. - Hapkido
Culture - History of music for the years 2013-2009

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Learning Log 18#

this week i did study island. i also played dominion. we traced china maps on the glass door and it was cool.

Learning Log 18
Math - Study Island
Reading - Study Island
Spelling - Bananagrams
Geography - Map of China
Life Skills - Car transmissions and engine oil basics
P.E.- Hopkido

Learning logs 18 through 21

This week I learned about a Shakespeare play, Chinese new year, math games like Dominion and spelling games like Banagrams.  I did a map of China.  I also learned about Transmissions and Engine oil. The end Yay.

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engengen oelyl the end yaauy                                                                                            ok                    

Due Feb 1 - Learning Log 18
Math - Study Island
Reading - Study Island
Spelling - Bananagrams
Geography - Map of China
Life Skills - Car transmissions and engine oil basics
P.E.- Hopkido

Due Feb 8th - Learning Log 19
Geography/ History - Chinese new years
English - spelling, paw print diagrams for persausive writing.  Persuasive paper structure.
Science - got to see a show on snakes and lizards live, got to pet and hold large snakes and lizards.
P.E.- Hopkido

Due Feb 15 - Learning Log 20
English - spelling, persuasive writing using paw prints, persuasive writing format
Life skills - introduction to driving rules, rode signs, street lines etc.
P.E.- Hopkido

Due Feb 22 - Learning Log 21
English - Creative writing of persuasive ideas, learning to state things in creative ways, Filling in the details after making a paw print, Self correcting papers
Literature - Watched a Shakespeare play
P.E.- Hopkido

Monday, February 11, 2013

Learning Log 17#

this week i learned math stuff like study island and on study island i learned allot about math and on one of them it had these little hamburgers and each hamburger counted as two hamburgers and they had name next to a surten amount of hamburgers so lets say that there was the name Joe next to three hamburgers and then it said how many hamburgers did Joe eat he obviously eat six hamburgers and we learnd  more math stuff  theres the ones place the tens place and the hundreds place and theres a ones tens and hundreds cubes. i learned about dominion cards and there cool. i also read sherlock holmes.
the end.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Learning Log 16#

this week i learned some hapkido like rolls and kicks and punches and i learned stretch kicks and like kicks and and im trying to learn a flip fall. and i played dominoes and it was really fun dominoes look like a peace of paper with dots on it but some are like tiles with dots on them and the ones we were doing had pluses and minuses on them. i learned about dominion cards with mama and i learned about workers village and watchtower and royal seal. and we played farkel and farkel is this fun dice game and i can't really remember what the numbers did but you roll them and you get like 200 or300 or 400 or 500 and 600 and you have to roll ones and fives.and we read a book called Sherlock Holmes and it had all the Sherlock Holmes books in it. the end.

Math - Math Games with papa (dominion), Dominoes math, Farkel Math
Reading - Games practice reading the cards
Literature - Sherlock Holmes

Learning Log #15

this week we finished are math book called "Life Of Fred" it is a math book about a kid with a square shaped head and a long pointy nose that looks like a needle and he's five years old and teaches a math class and he likes to run around and pretend he's an airplane. and were also reading a book called Sherlock Holmes and it has like all the Sherlock Holmes story's in it. well were doing flash cards and they have like dinosaurs and they have like word sounds and how like the word sounds have different sounds and the sounds of the but i here them but there ridiculous but um them they. and also we do scripture reading and they have versus. and we learned some spelling with mama the end.

Geography - Country flags of north America Flas cards.  Names of the States.
Science - Dinosaurs names flash cards.  Solar system flash cards
Music - Names of Stringed instruments. Names of Brass instruments.
Math - Reading Time on the Clock for 30, 10 and 5 mins.  Finished our Lif of Fred math book held a math party.
Phonics - review of phonograms
Literature - Read Sherlock Holmes, Scripture Reading
English - Spelling practice
P.E.- Hopkido