Monday, January 25, 2010

Curious's Real Adventures in Dragon Land

This morning I tucked Curious's blanket around him and he woke up and said..."Mom remember when we went to Dragon Land? And I had a medium dragon. How do I magically get back to that place? I want to go there again?" When I told him it was a dream and to go back to sleep he said "No, it was really real!" Needless to say, with him awake I am not going to be able to work the last 15 minuets of my shift.   Curious broke out in telling me about his dream, so I told him to pause it until I could write it down.  Below is what I was able to record, but I missed some fun parts where he was telling me about riding a really big dragon.

Curious retells about his Dragon Land Adventures "I didn't have a dream of dragon land.  I had a dream and then I magically went to dragon land.  You only have good dreams to go to dragon land.  Not bad dreams like that one I had where you were turning into a rat. Not that type of dream, that's not how I went to Dragon Land.  And.. in Dragon Land we played hide and seek in that dragon door and it was so fun.  You were on the computer in this this computer room.  And you were like, ok you guys go hide while I try to find you.  It had this cool river and there is this bridge going over it.  And the river was a real river, and there was grass, it was not painted, it was real grass.  But it was an inside door, cause it was a building with no ground, so it was grass instead of carpet.  And the building had trampoline ground, like your bed is so jumpy, like that.  Kerry dropped the people that moved to Washington off, she dropped them off.  And uh...  There was a Dragon with a long tongue that was sticking out and it was stairs, and it was zig-zaggy, it was an angle zig-zaggy tongue.  We climbed up the stairs, I was the one to be found first.  Tumbelina found me.  And Sarah was sitting on this chair, and she was like "Are you the one to be found first?"   and I was like "Yea!"

Actually I walked to Dragon Land in my dream, and I had a dream about walking to dragon land.  Yea, and I went there and I got to there in real life.  Sarah found Porter and Vicki found Isabella.  Then we left Dragon Land and it was day.  It looked like a zig-zaggy building.  It looked like the toung stairs, like jit jut jit jut jit jut (he says as he shows me with his hands).  A door was like a normal door, jut jit, strrrsh, a door knob (also shown with his hands.)"

Well that was all I could get out of him about his adventures... He is "done" and off to play.

When Curious told Tumbelina about his adventures in Dragon Land I was able to record more of what he said.  When he described how you magically get to Dragon Land he said "its like you are spinning, it is like you are going back in time, it is so fun"  Also he told Tumbelina more about the beginning of his adventures.  "When we were walking to dragon land, there was this guy that was throwing rocks at Hugs, and Hugs was like 'I don't like people throwing rocks at me'.  And I told him 'Hugs my sister don't like having rocks thrown at her'. And I told him all the people he could throw rocks at but not my sisters.  Like 'you can throw rocks at that guy or that guy or that guy', like that."

I got to record the part about him flying on a dragon, this is what he said "And there's these holes in the ceiling and you have jet packs so you can fly and open the holes and you can ride the dragons instead of the jet packs.  And you can ride the dragons over the river and over the bridge. its on a dragon it is so fun.  I rode on a huge dragon, but Porters dragon was bigger then mine, it was a giant, it was a giant dragon."

I guess this was not Curious's first time to Dragon Land, he said it was his second, and then told this to Tumbelina.  "I went there in real life before and they changed their play ground things, and they changed the playground things to different things, and they leave the dragon doors."

Alas, all good things come to an end and so did Curious's story "and you were there Tumbelina.  And the people that moved to Washington were there before us.  And Porter was like 'I want to go play in that dragon place'. We were playing Go Hide And Seek....I'll tell more later."  That was the end of his tell